called to reach souls in American Samoa

For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth.

Acts 13:47

We are the Smith family, called by God to be missionaries to the country of American Samoa. We feel so blessed that God has chosen to use us and our desire is to reach Samoan families with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We pray that our story can encourage you and that you come alongside us on this journey.

Get to know us


January Prayer Letter

Hello Pastors, Churches & Friends


Prayer Requests

  • Housing for us to open up in American Samoa
  • Trip to American Samoa for this Summer
  • More meetings for 2025
  • 8 new supporting churches
  • Safety in winter weather
  • New meetings for 2025 scheduled


Support Level

The month of January was exciting. We started off with some winter storms that resulted in some meetings we had to reschedule for a later date. The kids enjoyed all the snow and winter activities. To be honest, we enjoyed it too. It was probably the most snow we have had in years here in Ohio. Later in the month, we traveled to North Carolina. We were in a few different meetings, and got to reunite with a long time friend of ours. We ended the month back in Ohio with a great missions conference. 

We are super excited that 8 new partnering churches voted to take us on this month. Look what God has done. We are one step closer to getting to American Samoa. We are praying now for the hearts of the Samoan people to be softened. Thank you for all the support and prayers. It truly has been a blessing to our family. The Lord is taking good care of us. We are honored to be your missionaries. 

Partnering Churches & Support

Support Level

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Prayer Letters

I grew up in a Christian home in Dayton, Ohio. I am the 2nd of 4 children. My parents took me to church faithfully and helped me to develop a love for God. I thought that I was saved at the age of 5 but began to doubt as I grew older. In November 2006, at the age of 16, I made sure I was saved and placed my trust in Jesus. I surrendered to preach the gospel at a youth camp when I was 19. I got many opportunities to teach and preach at our church as I got older, but God began to show me that there was something else He had for me. Sarah and I knew each other for years because of going to the same church, but did not begin to date until 2009. In 2013 we were married and continued to serve together in various ministries at our church, Cornerstone Baptist Temple. In May 2022, after years of asking God to lead us to where He wanted us, Sarah and I walked to the altar and prayed, and we felt God calling us to missions. We began to search for where He desired for us to go. As we researched countries and prayed for God to show us where to go, we got the chance to speak with a former missionary to American Samoa and a current missionary. They both told us of the opportunity to serve in an already established church and the need for a missionary there. We began to pray and God has shown that American Samoa is our next home. 

"In November 2006, at the age of 16, I made sure I was saved and placed my trust in Jesus."

MY testimonY

God has blessed us with 5 beautiful children, due to privacy concerns, we have chosen not to share details about them on this page.

"In 2011, at a youth camp, I surrendered to the call of missions."

MY testimonY

I was blessed to grow up in a Christian family. I am number 4 out of 5 children. My parents were faithful at taking us to church and teaching us biblical truths. At the young age of 4 I made a profession of faith, but later I realized that I was unsure of my salvation and made assurance of salvation as a young adult at our youth camp. In 2011, at a youth camp, I surrendered to the call of missions. Zach and I were married in 2013. It wasn’t until years later, while serving in our local church, that God began to finalize that call. We are so excited to serve the Lord alongside our 5 children in American Samoa. 

Baptist International Outreach 
PO Box 587
Jefferson City, TN 37760

Mission Board

Cornerstone Baptist Temple
1707 Ohmer Avenue 
Dayton, OH 45410

Sending Church